El próximo sábado 20 de agosto celebraremos en La Quintaesencia un torneo por "equipos"de dos jugadores a doble partida.
Cada equipo de dos participantes jugará (en primer lugar al azar y luego por puntuación) con otro equipo y tras echar a suertes los emparejamientos cada cual disputará su batalla de manera individual pero los puntos de ambos se sumarán para el total.
FECHA Y HORA: Sábado 20 de agosto, inscripción a las 9:30
* PRIMERA RONDA: 10:00 - 13:30
*SEGUNDA RONDA: 17:00- 20:30
Las partidas serán a 2500 pts y se jugarán los escenarios, despliegues y objetivos secundarios que aparecen en el reglamento 9º Edad (v1.0). (Como es obvio será el reglamento por el que nos regiremos prevaleciendo la versión inglesa ante una disparidad entre reglas). Dado que se trata de un torneo de un solo día, la escenografía estará predefinida en cada mesa y solo se sorteará en cual juega cada participante.
Nos intentaremos ceñir lo más posible los 8 despliegues que aparecen en el reglamento, pero dependiendo del número de participantes puede que algunas mesas presenten unos elementos o disposiciones diferentes.
Las listas serán fijas y abiertas y se mostrarán al rival de así requerirlo.
Todas las listas se enviarán a quintaesenciapuertoreal@hotmail.com; antes del jueves 18 de agosto.
se prefiere el formato army builder o battlescribe (text summary), de no ser posible solo se admite en formato word (o un texto en el propio mail), nada de fotos, scans, whatsapp...
En el caso de ser impares , el "bye" se lo llevará unos de los equipos con puntuación más baja (seimpre que los emparejamientos lo posibiliten); este equipo recibirá 30 pts (15 pts cada jugador)
la inscripción será de 10 euros ( La fecha tope para inscribirse y enviar la lista es el jueves 18 de agosto) y la recaudación será destinada íntegramente al premio de la siguiente manera:
- 40% 1º Puesto. (pareja)
- 20 % 2º Puesto. (pareja)
- 20 % Sorteo entre el resto de participantes.
- "PREMIO LIMÓN"...por que siempre hay alguien que consigue que queramos solo coger las minis para pintarlas¡¡....si un jugador obtiene dos de estos votos de sus compañeros en caso de ganar algún premio se transformará automáticamente en un sorteo para el resto de jugadores no premiados.
SOLO aquellos participantes con la inscripción pagada y la lista entregada se contarán como inscritos; si el jueves 18 no hay un mínimo de 10 jugadores la organización se reserva el derecho de cancelar el torneo y devolver las inscripciones.
Para aquellos participantes que tengan problemas para desplazarse se da la opción de pagar por transferencia bancaria a la cuenta del BBVA ES7101826705890101500564 o por Paypal a la misma dirección donde envieis la lista; indicando en cada caso el nombre del participante en el concepto de la transacción.
Están permitidas las marcas alternativas a GW, las transformaciones y el uso de rellenadores de unidad (hasta un máximo de 25% de la unidad en que se incluyan).
En el caso de "invocaciones" o "transformaciones" u otro efecto propio del juego que haga aparecer algún tipo de miniatura se requiere por lo menos una peana (o miniatura de peana similar) que la represente.
Cualquier miniatura "multicomponente" o con la posibilidad de varios EQUIPOS podrá representar TODAS sus opciones independientemente de la que se haya usado para su montaje pero al menos la primera fila deberán representar el equipamiento que se juega. (lanzas por espadas, NO vargheist por horrores de la cripta o guardia negra por verdugos).
Queda terminantemente prohibido el uso de clonaciones, falsificaciones (la organización se reserva el derecho las miniaturas) a examinar o representaciones "gratuitas" que no conlleven ningún trabajo de conversión ("mi dríade es un portador de la plaga").
** Dado casos anteriores se advierte: Éstas son las normas de representación y hay que cumplirlas. Si una miniatura "se olvida" (o te la iban a prestar) o" se te paso montarla" u otro largo etc (de los que ya hemos visto) simplemente no se podrá jugar con ella.
Un saludo y espero veros a tod@s¡¡
-Príncipe oscuro - 318 Pts
Armadura pesada 8
Pegaso con barda 80
Escudo 5
Yelmo del dragón 10
Lanza llameante 10
Icono divino 15
Semilla de renacimiento 50
-Capitán oscuro - 158 Pts
Lanza de caballería 10
Armadura pesada 5
Escudo 3
Maestro de bestias 40
Raptor 25
-Oráculo - 95 Pts
Lvl 2 saber de la alquimia 25
-Oráculo - 95 Pts
Lvl 2 saber de la fuego 25
Pergamino dispersión 35
-Sacerdotisa de yema - 349 Pts
Armadura ligera 4
Altar divino 215
Espada de héroe 20
Escudo endurecido 5
Porta de batalla 25
- 2x Inversores oscuros 100 Pts (200)
Ballesta de repetición 15
- 2x 13 Repartidores con musico 150 Pts (300)
- 12 Repartidores con musico 140 Pts
-Arpias - 65pts
- 10x caballeros oscuros con grupo de mando y estandarte de pendón relucientes - 295 pts
- Hidra con aliento flamigero - 210 Pts
- 3x horror destripador con disparo múltiple - 80 Pts (240 Pts
Fernando montes - Kingdom of Equitaine Army
ResponderEliminar1 The Blessing - Token of the King @ 0.0 Pts
Token of the King
1 Lord: Duke @ 265.0 Pts
General; Heavy Armour; The Blessing
Dragon Lance [45.0]
Hardened Shield [5.0]
Virtue of Might [50.0]
Dusk Stone [30.0]
Divine Icon [15.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Lord: Grail Damsel @ 260.0 Pts
Magic Level 4; Path of Heavens; The Blessing
Talisman of Roland [20.0]
Tome of Arcane Lore [25.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Damsel @ 110.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Path of Wilderness
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Paladin @ 118.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; The Blessing
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
11 Knights of the Realm @ 337.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard
Banner of Discipline [25.0]
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
12 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
5 Knights Aspirant @ 146.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
6 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
5 Knights Aspirant @ 146.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
6 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
7 Knights of the Grail @ 310.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Grail Oath
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
8 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
7 Knights of the Grail @ 310.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Grail Oath
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
8 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 44
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
antonio llamas
ResponderEliminarTorneo Parejas La Quintaesencia (2500pts)
Highborn Elves (Standard (1501-3999pts)) (2500pts)
Lords (644pts)
High Prince (343pts)
Royal Huntsman (208pts)
Great Weapon (10pts), Heavy Armour (8pts), Lion's Fur, The General
Lion Chariot (35pts)
Lion Chariot
Magic Items (95pts)
Dragonscale Helm (10pts), HBE - Great Bow of Elu (35pts), Talisman of Supreme Shielding (50pts)
High Prince (301pts)
High Warden of the Flame (166pts)
Heavy Armour (8pts), Longbow (3pts)
Magic Items (70pts)
Dragonfire Gem (5pts), Giant Sword (60pts), Hardened Shield (5pts)
Heroes (317pts)
Commander (207pts)
Royal Huntsman (137pts)
Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Great Weapon (8pts), Heavy Armour (5pts), Lion's Fur, Longbow (2pts), Shield (2pts)
Magic Items (50pts)
HBE - Daemon Hunter’s Helm (25pts), Talisman of Greater Shielding (25pts)
Mage (110pts)
Mage (40pts)
Level 2 Wizard Apprentice (25pts)
Path of Fire
Magic Items (15pts)
Tome of Arcane Lore (15pts)
Core (752pts)
Highborn Lancers (147pts)
Standard Bearer (10pts)
6x Highborn Lancer (132pts)
6x Mount's Protection (5+) (24pts)
Highborn Lancers (147pts)
Standard Bearer (10pts)
6x Highborn Lancer (132pts)
6x Mount's Protection (5+) (24pts)
Sea Guard (458pts)
Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 34x Sea Guard (408pts)
Standard Bearer (30pts)
Veteran Standard Bearer (20pts)
Flaming Standard (20pts)
Special (427pts)
Lion Guard (427pts)
Champion (10pts), 28x Lion Guard (392pts), Musician (10pts)
Standard Bearer (35pts)
Magic Standard (25pts)
Banner of Speed (25pts)
Rare (360pts)
Frost Phoenix (200pts)
Sea Guard Reaper (80pts)
Repeating Shot (20pts)
Sea Guard Reaper (80pts)
Repeating Shot (20pts)
2500 Pts - Sylvan Elves Army
ResponderEliminarUnit Name ## Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Type Cost
Hero: Dryad Matriarch 1 5 6 6 4 4 2 7 3 9 5+ In 60.0
Oaken Crown [5.0]
Hero: Thicket Shepherd 1 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 9 4+ 5+ MI 185.0
Oaken Crown Aspect; Battle Standard;
Amryl's Banner The bearer’s unit has Fight in Extra Rank. [25.0]
Entwined Roots During Army creation, upgrade one unit of Thicket Beasts [5.0]
for +10 points/model to +1 Strength. This bonus applies
only as long as the wearer is alive. The points cost for
this upgrade is added to the unit’s points cost.
Hero: Druid 1 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8 6+ Ca 125.0
Infantry; Forest Walker; Lightning Reflexes; Path of White
Magic; Magic Level 2; Wizard Apprentice. +1 to cast and
dispel rolls. Has 2 spells.
Tome of Arcane Lore The bearer knows one additional spell. [15.0]
Elven Horse 1 9 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 [0.0]
Strider (Forest); Mount's Protection (6+)
Hero: Druid 1 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 8 6+ Ca 120.0
Infantry; Forest Walker; Lightning Reflexes; Path of
Shadows; Magic Level 1; Wizard Apprentice. +1 to cast and
dispel rolls. Has 1 spell.
Dispel Scroll One use only. Instead of making a dispel roll, you can use [35.0]
the scroll. The spell is automatically Dispelled.
Elven Horse 1 9 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 [0.0]
on charge. Armour Piercing (1); Light Armour; Shield; +1
ResponderEliminararmour save; Fast Cavalry
Elven Horse 5 9 3 3 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0] Strider (Forest)
Wild Huntsmen 6 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1/2 9 4+ 6+ Ca 221.0
Shield; +1armour save; Standard; +1CR
Flaming Standard At the start of each Round of Combat, and before shooting [20.0]
with a bearer’s unit, the banner may be activated. If it
is, the bearer's unit’s non-special Close Combat and
Shooting Attacks have Flaming Attacks. Effects last for
the duration of the phase.
Elven Deer 6 9 3 4 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0]
Wild Huntsmen 6 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1/2 9 4+ 6+ Ca 191.0
Shield armour save
Elven Deer 6 9 3 4 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0]
Wild Huntsmen 6 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1/2 9 4+ 6+ Ca 191.0
Shield; +1 armour save
Elven Deer 6 9 3 4 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0]
Thicket Beasts 7 5 4 4 4/5 5 3 3 3 8 4+ 5+ MI 465.0
Champion 1 5 5 5 4/5 5 3 3 4 8 4+ 5+ [10.0]
Pathfinders 5 5 5 5 3 3 1 5/6 1/2 8 In 100.0
Pathfinders 5 5 5 5 3 3 1 5/6 1/2 8 In 100.0
Forest Eagle 1 2 5 4 4 3 4 2 8 MB 50.0
Monstrous Beast (Stomp 1); Fly (9); Strider (Forest)
Forest Eagle 1 2 5 4 4 3 4 2 8 MB 50.0
Strider (Forest); Mount's Protection (6+)
ResponderEliminarDryad Skirmishers 8 5 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 5+ In 110.0
Infantry; Otherworldly; Forest Walker; Skirmishers
Dryad Skirmishers 8 5 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 5+ In 110.0
Infantry; Otherworldly; Forest Walker; Skirmishers
Dryad Skirmishers 8 5 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 5+ In 110.0
Infantry; Otherworldly; Forest Walker; Skirmishers
Heath Riders 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 3+ Ca 110.0
Cavalry; Forest Walker (Rider only); Lightning Reflexes
(Rider only); Mount's Protection (6+); Sylvan Lance; +1 St
on charge. Armour Piercing (1); Elven Cloak; Innate
Defence (6+) (only if combined with Light Armour); Light
Armour; Shield; +1 armour save; Standard; +1CR
Elven Horse 5 9 3 3 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0] Strider (Forest)
Heath Riders 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 3+ Ca 110.0
Cavalry; Forest Walker (Rider only); Lightning Reflexes
(Rider only); Mount's Protection (6+); Sylvan Lance; +1 St
on charge. Armour Piercing (1); Elven Cloak; Innate
Defence (6+) (only if combined with Light Armour); Light
Armour; Shield; +1 armour save; Standard; +1CR
Elven Horse 5 9 3 3 3 1 4 1 3 [0.0] Strider (Forest)
Heath Riders 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 4+ Ca 90.0
Cavalry; Forest Walker (Rider only); Lightning Reflexes
(Rider only); Mount's Protection (6+); Sylvan Lance; +1 St
Unnamed2500 Pts - Warriors of the Dark Gods Army
ResponderEliminar1 Lord: Chaos Lord of Wrath @ 435.0 Pts
General; Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Shield; Manticore
Blessed Sword [20.0]
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
Sprout of Rebirth [50.0]
Potion of Strength [20.0]
Soul Feeder [20.0]
1 Manticore @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Harbinger of Change @ 380.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Battle Standard; Manticore
Sword of Might [15.0]
Hardened Shield [5.0]
Talisman of Greater Shielding [25.0]
Third Eye of Change [30.0]
Potion of Swiftness [5.0]
1 Manticore @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Sorcerer of Pestilence @ 195.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Pestilence); Magic Level 1; Path of Disease; Wasteland
Tome of Arcane Lore [15.0]
Dueler's Shield [10.0]
Dragonfire Gem [5.0]
Flaming Lance [10.0]
1 Wasteland Chariot @ [0.0] Pts
1 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
2 Wasteland Steed @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Sorcerer of Lust @ 220.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Magic Level 2; Path of Lust; Wasteland Chariot
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
Lucky Shield [5.0]
Lucky Charm [5.0]
1 Wasteland Chariot @ [0.0] Pts
1 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
2 Wasteland Steed @ [0.0] Pts
11 Wasteland Warriors of Lust @ 215.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Paired Weapons; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard;
Banner of Speed [25.0]
1 Warrior Champion @ [10.0] Pts
5 Fallen of Lust @ 90.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Frenzy
5 Fallen of Lust @ 90.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Frenzy
5 Warhounds @ 45.0 Pts
5 Warhounds @ 45.0 Pts
20 Barbarians of True Chaos @ 90.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (True Chaos); Paired Weapons; Light Armour; Standard;
20 Barbarians of True Chaos @ 90.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (True Chaos); Paired Weapons; Light Armour; Standard;
5 Hell Riders of Lust @ 75.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Light Lance; Shield; Steed of Lust
5 Steed of Lust @ [0.0] Pts
1 Elder Dragon Centaur @ 270.0 Pts
Paired Weapons; Light Armour
1 Wasteland Giant of Change @ 260.0 Pts
Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Chosen of Change; Champion
#0: Blue Fire [0.0]
#2: Pink Fire [0.0]
Models in Army: 84
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
Unnamed2500 Pts - Ogre Khans Army
ResponderEliminar1 Lord: Great Khan Headhunter - 300.0 Pts
Headhunter; General; Heavy Armour
Khagadai's Maul [50.0]
Mammoth-Hide Cloak [30.0]
Aurochs Charm [15.0]
1 Hero: Khan Rottenjaw - 210.0 Pts
Rottenjaw; Great Weapon; Battle Standard; Scrapling Lookout
Dragonfire Gem [5.0]
Stalker`s Standard [40.0]
1 Hero: Shaman - 171.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Path of Wilderness; Great Weapon
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
1 Hero: Shaman - 161.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Path of Wilderness; Great Weapon
Demon Heart [25.0]
13 Tribesmen - 553.0 Pts
Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Scrapling Lookout; Veteran Magic Standard;
Banner of Discipline [25.0]
1 Champion - [10.0] Pts
16 Scraplings - 53.0 Pts
Short Bow; Standard
15 Scraplings - 50.0 Pts
Short Bow; Standard
7 Mercenary Veterans - 510.0 Pts
Poisoned Attacks; +1 Ballistic Skill; Brace of Ogre Pistols; Heavy Armour;
Scrapling Lookout; Standard; Musician
Holy Icon [30.0]
1 Champion - [10.0] Pts
2 Yetis - 80.0 Pts
2 Yetis - 80.0 Pts
1 Kin-Eater - 90.0 Pts
1 Kin-Eater - 90.0 Pts
1 Thunder Cannon - 150.0 Pts
Total Army Cost: 2498.0
ResponderEliminarPríncipe forestal, general, kurnous, armadura ligera, capa élfica, espada gigante, yelmo del engaño, gema de la fortuna, escudo, ciervo. 328
Capitán forestal, Bsb, forestal, semillas sagradas, estandarte de la compañía implacable arco, espadas sylvanas, flecha negra 180
Capitán forestal, forestal, tiro granizo, poción de fuerza, arco, espadas sylvanas, 153
Druida, general, lvl1, luz, pergamino de protección, espejo nebuloso. 120
Druida, lvl1, luz, pergamino de dispersión. 105
Druida, lvl2, luz, tomo de poder arcando. 110
17x guardia del bosque, básica, estandarte, pendón reluciente. 161
12 guardia del bosque, básica, estandarte, músico flecha negra. 174
10x guardia del bosque, básica, estandarte, músico flecha negra. 150
10x guardia del bosque, básica, estandarte, flecha negra. 140
3x jinetes de halcón, especial, escudos, armadura ligera 138
5x cazadores salvajes, especial. 145
5 bailarines de espadas, especial. 75
9 forestales, singular. 192
5 forestales 100
8 hermanas de la espina, capitana. 228
Rana: General, PEB, Wellspring of power, ancient knowledge, dispel scroll: 455
ResponderEliminarWarlord on raptor: Armour of destiny, dusk stone, fleshrender: 280
Skink priest: Heavens, tome or arcane lore: 80
Skink captain on alpha pteradon: dragonscale helm, flaming lance, shield, poisoned javelin: 112
Skink captain on alpha pteradon: hardened shield, razor blade, dragonfire gem, light lance, poisoned javelin: 100
Skink captain on apha pteradon: Gambler’s armour, light lance, shield, poisoned javelin: 110
Snake Swarm: 55
11 saurus: banner: 106
30 skinks braves: 3 Caimasn FCG: 340
19 Skinks braves: Banner, musician: 125
7 Caimans: Champion, banner: 305
2x1 Stygiosaurus: Poisonous Breath: 2x140
2 Salamanders: 150
2498 points
Juanmi - The Vermin Swarm
ResponderEliminarTirano en palanquín: General. pesada, escudo, yelmo dragón, Sombrero Brujo, Pergamino dispersión . 218
Sacerdote de la plaga en Pebetero. Gema Matadragones, Lanza Flamígeras, Rodela de distracción, Poción de velocidad. 255
Caudillo Porta: Estandarte tempestad. 115
x3Ingeniero. 65
x42 Monjes GMC. Plague Ridden 314
x20 Guerreros del clan GMC (Disciplina) 135
x20 Guerreros del clan. Estandarte, Musico. 100
4x10 Ratas Gigantes 40
x5 Acechantes. Explorador y acechante, veneno, arma de cola. 90
2x6 Jezzail 120
x3 Cañón rotativo 65
x10 Grenadiers 93
x2 Cañon 85
2x2 Thunder Hulks 150
Jose Sanchez Rosado
ResponderEliminarGran chamán, general, nivel 4 cielos, partecráneos, libro de poder arcano, mandibulapodrida 375puntos
Chamán, nivel 1 fuego, pergamino de dispersión, arma a dos manos 146 puntos
Khan, porta de batalla, estandarte llameante, pielesyeti, ristra de pistolas, arma a dos manos 180 puntos
2x16 chatarreros, arco corto, estandarte 60
13 ogros, grupo de mando, disciplina, puño hierro, pesada 517 puntos
2xkin eater 90 puntos
2x yetis 80 puntos
8 mercenarios, músico, portaestandarte, icono sagrado, ristra de pistolas, +1 hp, envenenados 516 puntos
Dientes de sable 40 puntos
2xlanzachatarras 130 puntos
Total 2500
ResponderEliminarPrincipe Oscuro. General. Icono divino, hacha de verdugo, Cota carmesí, Amuleto de la suerte. 240
Capitan Oscuro en carro depredador. Porta. Capa de media noche, Lanza de caballería, armadura pesada, escudo. 243
Oráculo Lvl2 Fuego, Pergamino de dispersión. 130
Oráculo Lvl1 Alquimia, Tomo del saber arcano. 85
3x5 Incursores Oscuros. 85
x30 Espadas de Nabh. GMC. 400
Altar divino de yema. 215
x5 Arpías. 65
x28 Guardia de la torre. GMC. Estandarte sangriento. 445
2x1 Hidra. Aliento. 210
2500 Pts - Warriors of the Dark Gods Army Rebujito Caotico 2500
ResponderEliminarUnit Name ## Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Type Cost
Lord: Chaos Lord of Change 1 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9 2+ 5/4+ Ch 380.0
General; Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Wasteland Chariot;
Wasteland Raider x1
Burning Blade of Chaos Attacks made by the Weapons have Flaming Attacks, Multiple [65.0]
Wounds (D3) and Armour Piercing (6). After all attacks
are made, for each model slain by this sword, that model’s
unit suffers a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attack
Special Rule.
Talisman of Greater Shieldin Wearer has Ward Save (5+). [25.0]
Third Eye of Change A bearer of this Gift has its Ward save increased by one [30.0]
to a maximum of 4+.
Dragonscale Helm 6+ Armour Save. Wearer has the Fireborn Special Rule. [10.0]
Wasteland Chariot 1 5 5 4 Ch [0.0]
Crew 1 5 3 4/5 4 2 8 [0.0]
Wasteland Steed 2 8 3 4 3 1 5 WB [0.0]
Lord: Sorcerer Lord of True C 1 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 4+ In 260.0
Mark of Dark Gods (True Chaos); Magic Level 3; Path of
Dispel Scroll One use only. Instead of making a dispel roll, you can use [35.0]
the scroll. The spell is automatically Dispelled.
Ring of Fire Bound Spell, Power Level 3. Contains the spell Fireball [25.0]
(Path of Fire).
Hero: Harbinger of Pestilence 1 4 7 3 5/6 4 2 5 4 8 2+ 5+ In 265.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Pestilence); Shield; Battle Standard
Spear of Gagnir Spear. Attacks made with this weapon have +1 Strength and [25.0]
Lethal Strike.
Banner of Filth All Models in wearer’s unit Close Combat attacks have the [25.0]
Poisoned Attack Special Rule.
Armour of Fortune Heavy Armour. Wearer has a Ward Save (5+). [25.0]
Waste Hardened Skin The bearer has Innate Defense (6+), or Innate Defense (5+) [30.0]
if the bearer is Infantry. This Gift cannot be taken by a
model mounted on a Manticore.
Hero: Barbarian Chief of True 1 4 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 4+ In 117.0
ResponderEliminarMark of Dark Gods (True Chaos); Throwing Weapons; Heavy
Armour; Shield; Osklander Jarl
Hero's Sword Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength, up to a [20.0]
maximum of strength 5. The wielder has +1 Attack, up to a
maximum of 4 Attacks.
Wasteland Warriors of Pestilen 21 4 5 3 4 4 1 3/4 2/3 8 3+ In 384.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Pestilence); Paired Weapons; Shield;
Standard; Musician
Warrior Champion 1 4 6 4 4 4 1 3/4 3/4 8 3+ In [10.0]
Barbarians of Change 20 4/5 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ In 175.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Spear & Shield; Throwing
Weapons; Light Armour; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician
Banner of Speed The bearer's unit has +1 Movement. [25.0]
Elder Dragon Centaur 1 7 6 3 6/7 6 6 4 5 9 3+ Mo 270.0
Halberd; Light Armour
Wasteland Chariot of Lust 1 5 5 4 4+ Ch 115.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Chariot Crew; Waste Steeds
Crew 2 5 3 4/5 4 2 8 [0.0]
Wasteland Steed 2 8 3 4 3 1 5 WB [0.0]
Fallen of Change 5 6 4 4 4 1 4 D3+1 8 4+ In 90.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Change); Frenzy
Hell Riders of Lust 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 5+ Ca 75.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Lust); Light Lance; Shield; Steed of
Steed of Lust 5 10 3 3 3 1 5 1 7 WB [0.0]
Crusher Knights of Wrath 4 4 5 3 4/5 4 1 5 2/3 8 2+ MC 324.0
Mark of Dark Gods (Wrath); Chosen of Wrath; Frenzy; Daemon
Weapons; Shield; Standard; Musician; Crusher
Crusher 4 7 5 5 4 3 2 3 7 MC [0.0]
Warhounds 5 7 4 3 3 1 3 1 5 WB 45.0
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
Models in Army: 67
Guerreros de los Dioses Oscuros 2500 Puntos
310 puntos Señor del Caos. Marca de la Ira. Segador de Almas. Talismán de Protección Mayor. Escudo de la Suerte. Hoja Ardiente del Caos. Poción de Velocidad.
180 puntos Paladín del Caos. Marca de la Ira. Portaestandarte de Batalla. Estandarte de la Disciplina. Espadas Aullantes.
185 Puntos Brujo. Nivel 2, Saber de las Sombras. Anillo de Fuego. Montado en corcel del yermo. Barda. Escudo Endurecido. Amuleto Piedra Preciosa.
Unidades Básicas
387 Puntos Guerreros del Yermo (22) Marca de la Ira. Armas emparejadas. Escudos.
Grupo de Mando Completo. Estandarte de la Ira
95 puntos Caídos (5) Marca de la Ira
95 puntos Caídos (5) Marca de la Ira 95 puntos Caídos (5) Marca de la Ira
Unidades Especiales
175 puntos Bestia Sangrienta
165 puntos Carro de Bestia Torturada. Marca de la Ira. Barda. Protección de la Montura 5+
115 puntos Carro del Yermo. Marca de la Ira. Barda
70 puntos Bestia Caída. Marca de la Ira 70 puntos Bestia Caída. Marca de la Ira
Unidades Singulares
140 puntos Gigante del Yermo, marca de la Ira
140 puntos Gigante del Yermo, marca de la Ira
275 puntos Ogro Dragón Shaggoth, Armadura Ligera, Alabarda
Unnamed2500 Pts - Kingdom of Equitaine Army
ResponderEliminar1 The Blessing - Token of the King @ 0.0 Pts
Token of the King
1 Lord: Duke @ 265.0 Pts
General; Heavy Armour; The Blessing
Dragon Lance [45.0]
Hardened Shield [5.0]
Virtue of Might [50.0]
Dusk Stone [30.0]
Divine Icon [15.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Lord: Grail Damsel @ 260.0 Pts
Magic Level 4; Path of Heavens; The Blessing
Talisman of Roland [20.0]
Tome of Arcane Lore [25.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Damsel @ 110.0 Pts
Magic Level 1; Path of Wilderness
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Paladin @ 118.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; The Blessing
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
1 Barded Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
11 Knights of the Realm @ 337.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard
Banner of Discipline [25.0]
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
12 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
5 Knights Aspirant @ 146.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
6 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
5 Knights Aspirant @ 146.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
6 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
3 Pegasus Knights @ 166.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Devastating Charge; Skirmish
3 Young Pegasus @ [0.0] Pts
7 Knights of the Grail @ 310.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Grail Oath
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
8 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
7 Knights of the Grail @ 310.0 Pts
Barding; Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Grail Oath
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
8 Warhorse @ [0.0] Pts
Models in Army: 44
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
Unnamed2500 Pts - Orcs & Goblins Army
ResponderEliminar1 Lord: Iron Orc Warlord @ 370.0 Pts
General; Iron Orc Warlord; Waaargh!; Plate Armour; Shield
Blessed Sword [20.0]
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
Sprout of Rebirth [50.0]
1 Wyvern @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Iron Orc Chief @ 135.0 Pts
Iron Orc Chief; Plate Armour; Shield; Battle Standard
Dragon Mantle [25.0]
Lucky Charm [5.0]
1 Lord: Orc Big Shaman @ 240.0 Pts
Orc Big Shaman; Magic Level 4; Path of Big Green Gods
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
20 Cave Goblins @ 100.0 Pts
Cave Goblins; Shortbow; Standard; Musician
1 Mad Git @ [20.0] Pts
20 Cave Goblins @ 100.0 Pts
Cave Goblins; Shortbow; Standard; Musician
1 Mad Git @ [20.0] Pts
29 Iron Orcs @ 435.0 Pts
Plate Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Icon of Relentless Company [15.0]
1 Iron Orc Boss @ [10.0] Pts
39 Feral Orc 'Eadbashers @ 490.0 Pts
Frenzy; Mammoth Stabber; Paired Weapons; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician
Banner of Speed [25.0]
1 Orc 'Eadbasher Champion @ [10.0] Pts
5 Gnasher Dashers @ 60.0 Pts
5 Cave Goblin Riders @ [0.0] Pts
5 Gnasher Dashers @ 60.0 Pts
5 Cave Goblin Riders @ [0.0] Pts
5 Gnasher Dashers @ 60.0 Pts
5 Cave Goblin Riders @ [0.0] Pts
1 Gargantula @ 225.0 Pts
8 Forest Goblin Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Lance; Short Bow
1 Gargantula @ 225.0 Pts
Unnamed2500 Pts - Highborn Elves Army
ResponderEliminar1 * Lord: High Prince @ 348.0 Pts
General; Royal Huntsman; No Mount; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour
Great Bow of Elu [35.0]
Daemon Hunters' Helm [35.0]
Dusk Stone [30.0]
1 Lion Chariot @ [0.0] Pts
2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Great Weapon
2 Lion @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Commander @ 307.0 Pts
Fleet Officer; Lance; Dragonforged Armour; Battle Standard
Hardened Shield [5.0]
Lucky Charm [5.0]
1 Sky Sloop @ [40.0] Pts
Storm Pennant
2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Lance; Longbow
1 Hawk @ [0.0] Pts
1 Hero: Commander @ 322.0 Pts
Fleet Officer; Lance; Dragonforged Armour
Wizard's Hood [40.0]
Dragonscale Helm [10.0]
1 Sky Sloop @ [40.0] Pts
Storm Pennant
Unnamed2500 Pts - Dread Elves Army
ResponderEliminar1 Lord: Dread Prince @ 240.0 Pts
Headsman's Axe [60.0]
Crimson Mail [20.0]
Divine Icon [15.0]
Lucky Charm [5.0]
1 Hero: Oracle @ 130.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Path of Alchemy
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
1 Hero: Oracle @ 110.0 Pts
Magic Level 2; Path of Death
Tome of Arcane Lore [15.0]
1 Hero: Cult of Nabh Priest @ 370.0 Pts
Divine Altar of Nabh; Executioner's Blade; Paired Weapons; Battle Standard
Midnight Cloak [50.0]
1 Divine Altar of Nabh @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour
3 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
1 Will of Blood @ [0.0] Pts
49 Dread Legionnaires @ 455.0 Pts
Spear; Light Armour; Shield; Veteran Magic Standard; Musician
Banner of Courage [5.0]
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
5 Dark Riders @ 85.0 Pts
Light Lance; Light Armour
5 Elven Horse @ [0.0] Pts
5 Dark Riders @ 85.0 Pts
Light Lance; Light Armour
5 Elven Horse @ [0.0] Pts
27 Tower Guard @ 445.0 Pts
Halberd; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician
Bloody Banner [35.0]
1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
Halberd; Heavy Armour
1 Hydra @ 210.0 Pts
Breath Weapon (S4, Flaming)
1 Dread Reaper @ 80.0 Pts
Elven Bolt Thrower; Repeating Shot ; Light Armour
2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour
1 Dread Reaper @ 80.0 Pts
Elven Bolt Thrower; Repeating Shot ; Light Armour
2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour
1 Dread Reaper @ 80.0 Pts
Elven Bolt Thrower; Repeating Shot ; Light Armour
2 Crew @ [0.0] Pts
Light Armour
5 Harpies @ 65.0 Pts
5 Harpies @ 65.0 Pts
Models in Army: 111
Total Army Cost: 2500.0
caudillo orco
ResponderEliminarplacas de tukk, escudo talisman..225
gran chaman orco (dioses mayores) 175
jefe orco
porta,escud encantdo, coraza placa, espada poder
jefe orco
coraza placa, escudo, hacha apocalip, jabalina guerra
chaman goblin nivel 2
setas,pergamino disp
20 orcos comun con arcos
30 orcos comun, unico en su especie(arma adicional)
29 goblin de las cuevas
redes, linaticos,lanza, escudo
20 goblin de las cuevas con arco
1o jinetes de jabali orco
25 orcos ferreo
3 carro jabali
3 lanzapinchos